M-real is among the first companies in the world to adopt a full energy management system, now integrated into its operating policies and providing a foundation for the company’s continuous energy efficiency improvement activities in the future.
“The EES not only provides answers to internal obligations, it also proves to our customers that we take measures to cut down our own energy consumption and thereby fulfil our share in combating climate change,” says Mikko Helander, CEO of M-real.
“Energy efficiency is now a systematic and visible part of M-real’s daily operations,” he continues.
Several operational energy efficiency projects are underway within the system; on average 50-100 projects a year. Accoding to M-real, the total amount of energy saved in one year, as a result of these projects, so far equals the amount of energy consumed by a small town.
Furthermore, M-real’s carbon dioxide emissions have already decreased by almost 20,000 metric tonnes a year.
Actually, the EES should also enhance the company’s competitiveness, “as many measures to slow down climate change also have a positive effect on energy costs”.
Water consumption is strongly related to energy efficiency and water systems in M-real’s production units have also been continuously improved. By paying attention to water consumption it is possible to make its usage more effective.
M-real also claims being able to provide its customers with carbon footprint calculations for all its products, covering the manufacturing processes of pulp, board and paper - including purchased electricity - as well as the transportation of wood raw material, pulp and products.