Pierre Miasnik, president and founder of Fiabila

Pierre Miasnik, president and founder of Fiabila

To be the best and remain so”: Fiabila’s goal today finds its fullest expression to date in the opening of a second high-performance production unit in the company’s historic seat in the Eure-et-Loir region of France. The unit features 16 tanks dedicated to storing raw materials, four kilometers of pipeline to convey them without risk of cross-contamination, heightened computerization and security features for every step in the production process, except for coloring, an operation that remains deliberately artisanal. All of these improvements mean Fiabila can continue to ensure a nail polish offer of uncompromising pureness and performance.

Safety and sustainability

The quality and performance of our formulas have been the basis of Fiabila’s commitment ever since the company’s founding in 1977. It was therefore essential to equip ourselves with an industrial tool that is at the forefront of technology. That was the goal for this new production unit which, in addition, fulfills our strategy of ensuring security, respect for the environment and social responsibility in order to satisfy the increasing demands of our clients,” said Pierre Miasnik, president and founder of Fiabila.

For example, the company has reduced its carbon footprint through the capture and reprocessing of volatile compounds and the recycling of washing solvents. Receiving raw materials in bulk, in dedicated tanker trucks, will make it possible to economize on several thousand metal casks per year. Lastly, the increased automation mentioned above will contribute to reinforcing the security of personnel and improving work conditions overall.

In tripling the production capacity of Fiabila’s French site, this ultra-modern facility makes it possible to respond to increased demand across market sectors, regardless of size. In fact, according to a recent study by Euromonitor, the worldwide market for nail polish is set to increase by 11% by 2016. In addition, in an effort to meet client demands worldwide, Fiabila announces the impending opening of new production units in Brazil and Russia. As the future looks promising for nail polish, Fiabila too can see the horizon in a rainbow of colours.