Whether made of concrete, ceramic, glass, aluminium, and plastic (but recycled, plant-based and / or compostable), beauty packaging is becoming recyclable, refillable, consigned. The cosmetic packaging of tomorrow will be sustainable or it will not be! In any case, this is what seems to emerge from the trends spotted during a more than complex year 2020.
As the world is experiencing an ecological and sanitary crisis, the beauty sector sees countless emerging brands embracing the precepts of a more environmentally friendly approach to consumption. Reduced, refillable, sustainable packaging, cleaner formulas… These start-ups, in line with current trends, managed to develop innovative concepts that introduced new bathroom habits. Historical brands and industry giants are not to be outdone and are driving a real transformation of the value chain.
Hygiene and skincare: When sustainability drives packaging innovation
Perfume bottles - Glassmakers are accelerating their environmental transition
Hygiene-beauty bulk products: How to keep a clean container-content couple?
Cosmetic formulas in the midst of a transition
Fiabila innovates to address risks related to semi-permanent gel nail polish
Zero-waste beauty start up Everist launches waterless haircare concentrates
Paper Cosmetics
Innovation showcase
Albéa - Arcade Beauty - Asquan - Axilone - Baralan - Bormioli Luigi - Cosmogen -Coverpla - Dapy - Erpro - Essentia - Faber-Castell Cosmetics - Geka - Gerresheimer - G. Pivaudran - Heinz Glas - HCP Packaging - HCT Group - Lumson - Mktg Industry - Meiyume - Pochet - Procos - Pujolasos - Qualiform - Schwan Cosmetics - Stoelzle - Superga Beauty - Taïki Cosmétique - Texen - Verescence - Virospack - Weckerle
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